Estonian OÜ (PLC) Company incorporation - GRATIS! Bank opening - GRATIS! You have pay only for Yearly maintenance - business address+secretary - 300 € in advance, accountant services - depending on the volume of workflow.
Occurs at the notary where signed by the founding documents – application to the Register of Enterprises of Estonia, the decision of the shareholders on the establishment and distribution of shares, the appointment of board members, legal business address, Secretary, approval of the charter, the legal address in Tallinn, communications and so on.
In contrast to the purchase ready-made company, at the initial registration since notarized statement before the registration is up to 5 working days, which means that the new member of the board of the company would have to come to Tallinn for opening a bank account and create company Estonia with the tax department one time more. Open a bank account can be immediately invested the minimum share capital € 2500 on a temporary registration account of the company (automatically becomes permanent).
already has a name, registration number in the Register of Estonian enterprises, legal business address, the owner of a 100% share of the authorized capital, a board member with the right signature (check online) , age of ready-made company from one week (costs starting with the purchase price of 500 €) to several years (price negotiable). When buying a company in the office of the notary, all data, except for the registration number, vary according to the customer. The bank account will be opened ONLY BY THE MEMBER OF THE BOARD IN CHARGE after the Register of Enterprises of Estonia approovment, in the Tax and Customs Department member of the board in charge sign a contract for control access online service.
possible on the basis of a notarised at the place of residence of the beneficiary a power of attorney, approved by the Estonian notary power of attorney form, in which the Bureau will be buying / selling or filing of registration documents, will be sended to beneficiary. However, beneficiary have personally open bank accounts, order and receive Internet-Banking gadgets access codes, bank debit and credit cards, to register with the Tax and Customs Board, sign a service contracts. Other vice to assign to perform these procedures to a local Estonian board member with the right to sign the documents as a board member.
is between individuals: a shareholder – owner of Estonian companies on the one hand and permanent residents of Estonia Estonian citizen who also provides legal address, on the other hand. Contact person is not entitled to a signature, access the online bank, receives and forwards to the company management correspondence, e-mails, phone calls, executes orders of the board members on the notarized power of attorney with additional payment under the arrangement. Contact person is not liable for the company’s operations. Not a full-time employee of the company. The cost of basic services to the legal business address, including legal address – € 300 per year in advance.
is between a member of the board of the company on the one hand and an accountant – Estonian citizen – on the other. Accountant keeps records, sends monthly reports in electronic form on the sales tax, wages, other articles based on original documents and bank transactions, the annual balance sheet and so on. Bank account accountant does not have all the transaction produces only board member with the right to sign or designated staff member – Director. Signing of the contract for free, the cost of accounting services depends on the volume and nature of the document reporting the Tax and Customs Board. The accountant is not a full-time employee of the company.